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Impact of economic policies on Canadian household economy

It can be seen that there exist large influences of the economic policies on the household economy of Canada. Whenever the government of this country embarks on the formulation of economic policies, it supposed to impact families across the country. These aggressive/conservative economic strategies determine the scope of the Canadian financial environment within which the households exist.

Taxes, social welfare, spending policies, all assist to determine the economic efficiency of homes, or peoples’ dwellings. With respect to such governmental decisions, this blog post defines various details in interest of how it impacts the economic aspect of families in Canada.

Introduction to economic policies

Economic policies are therefore government activities that cut across a wide spectrum that determines the performance of a country’s economy. These are the fiscal policies for instance; taxation and government spending together with the monetary policies for instance interest rates set by the central banks.

It is significant to have a clear comprehension of these polices because they determine inflation rates, employment chances, and economic development. To Canadian households, macroeconomic strategies determine the number of job vacancies, price level and their ability to make purchases.

Fiscal policies

Fiscal policies are actions that involve the government in the matters of its revenues and expenditure. In Canadian context these polices are central to diffusing the allocations of the nation’s budget and economic stability. For instance, concerning equity, taxation policies can make Canadians gain more money or spend less thus influencing their expenditure.

In the same fashion, the money supply acts extra on the economy by generating employment opportunities and supporting enterprises. With regards to infrastructure and developmental projects ranging from education funds to healthcare expenditure, government expenditure has the ability to act as a stimulus to some economic development and bring improvements to households’ income.

Monetary policies

Policies that involve the usage of money, which is a policy that is under the Bank of Canada’s control, is used in the management of inflation with the aim of stabilization. Such measures as the changes of the interest rate, for instance, have tangible impacts on the mortgage rates which heavily impact on the households.

Consumers borrow more and spend more during the periods with lower interest rates for their operation depending on the Canadian economy. At the same time, higher rates act in a way that can decrease inflation, but can also lower the demand for consumption of goods or investment.

Effects on household spending

The impact of economic policies is easily identifiable when one looks at the Canadians and how they spend their money. Government actions in the areas of taxation, interest rate and public expenditure determine the amount of disposable income towards the families and their discretion in utilization of such income.

The households’ disposable income increases whenever policies call for lower taxes and interest rates or charges and this leads to increased expenditure on products and services. This is likely to enhance the sales of stocks, retail business, houses, and consequently increase the economic activities.

Taxation impact

It can be observed that taxation is one of the most explicit channels of policy interventions with regards to households. High income taxes cut down on the actual take home income and thus parents are able to buy fewer necessities and fewer luxuries.

Nevertheless, deliberate lowing of taxes or provision of tax incentives is capable of improving the income of households and hence raise a factor in consumption and investment. For instance,subsidize provision for first time house owners boosts the real estates sector and comes in handy to families that are financially challenged in their endeavor to possess a house.

Interest rates and savings

Another essential aspect of economic policy is the interest rates with a compelling impact on the savers and borrowers within our households. Low interest is also an added advantage to the families since they can easily borrow money for big assets such as houses and cars. This in turn can result into greater levels of business activity and thus rise in households’ borrowing.

In turn, when interest rates rise, borrowing becomes expensive and families are forced to save instead of spending hence a slow-down of the growth rate. Thus, the interaction between the interest rates and expenses of households is one of the most significant aspects for macroeconomic effects of economic regulation. The implication of these changes is the need for families to be aware of such aspects for efficient management.